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Eating and Mealtime

Your Teaching Practice Reflection

Would you describe yourself as a healthy eater? How does your approach to nutrition influence how and what you teach children about healthy eating?

I would describe myself as a healthy eater. I of course indulge in my fair share of fast food, coffee, and sweets, but I make a conscious effort to only have those things some of the time. I grew up as an athlete and was taught about how what you put into your body helps you perform. I always wanted to be the best athlete I could be so I made it a priority to fuel my body with good foods. I think my approach to nutrition will influence how I teach children about healthy eating because I will be able to set a good example. Students will be able to see me eating healthy foods and drinking water. By doing this students can see that healthy foods are good and make us feel good. I would also talk to my students about how if we eat healthy we are able to focus, have more energy, and overall feel better. I will also talk to my students about how it is okay to have junk food and sweets sometimes. Just because you eat healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have a treat every once in a while. Growing up in this day and age fast food is glorified and can make the decision to eat healthy hard on students. 

Think about meal time in your classroom. Do you encourage conversation among children and/or talk to preverbal children? How would you describe this routine time of the day? 

In my classroom, I would encourage conversation among children. I would do this by having students share what they brought for lunch. This conversation could evolve into a conversation about different foods that different cultures have. When students share about their food it could encourage other children to try new things. Some picky eaters might see their friends eating a sandwich with lettuce on it and decide that they might like that too. I would also talk to preverbal students because talking with them creates a positive environment around mealtime. I think this time of the day should be educational and calm. Since this time of day happens every day it is helpful to establish a good foundation with your students.

Point of view of a woman having a healthy lunch box. Black olives,...
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